Why Snack?
*Snacks keep you fueled between meals
*If you are hungry a snack is important so overeating at the next meal does not occur
*A snack can add vitamins and minerals possibly missed at a meal
*Right-sized snacks are approximately 200 calories - one-quarter cup nuts or seeds one-and-a-half ounces of cheddar cheese one-quarter of an avocado with a slice of whole grain bread
Snacks - Planning
*Less desirable snacks can quickly add on calories, fats, sodium and sugars
*Plan for healthy snacks otherwise, if you are in a hurry you may grab a snack filled with undesirable ingredients (too many calories, fats, sodium and sugars)
*Fruit is a healthy choice for a snack but too much of a good thing is never healthy (limit fruits to three times a day and eat throughout the day, not all at once
*Mid-Morning Snack - approximately 200 hundred calories
*Afternoon Snack - approximately 200 hundred calories
How to Snack
*Types of snacks make a difference - eat fruits, veggies, whole grains that are low in calories, fat, sodium and sugar
*Stay hydrated with low sugar, low calories drinks*Think about your liquid consummation and use your snack for a time to hydrate
Snack Tips*Keep a recipe folder*Snacks should be easy to make and should not take long to prepare - eating should take longer than preparingRemember a snack should be ~200 calories
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